It's interesting how time works don't ya think? I certainly do. I find it enthralling how people are always constantly changing but they still manage to be themselves and not someone new. How many things would have to change for someone to be considered new anyhow? I know I've changed, many times. I wonder if anyone's noticed? I certainly have. If I could go back in time, even just a couple of months, I would probably punch myself. Of course, that means that future me probably wants to punch me right now too.
Maybe future me shouldn't be so goddamned frickin' violent? Huh did that ever occur to me?! It might have, of course, it also might be questions like those that make me wanna punch me.
I think that's probably the number one reason why time travel doesn't exist. It isn't the Grandfather Paradox or the problem of multiple timelines or even that time travel would have to include space travel. No, the reason that time travel hasn't been invented is because people would just go around punching themselves - that and they would screw with archaeologists. Well, I would screw with archaeologists... I'm pretty sure no one else would find it as staggeringly hilarious to go back in time 35,000 years and draw Pythagorean's Theorem in Chauvet Cave as I would. Yes, I've been reading up on my archaeology lately, thank you very much.
After re-reading my first paragraph, I've realized that I started almost every sentance with 'I'. That's a giant pet peeve for me. I kindave want to punch myself for it. You see how that works now? I guess that what I'm really trying to say is that I probably spend too much time thinking about the past. Things were different then, I was different, you were probably different too so there isn't much point really because everything is from a different perspective.
Sometimes I wonder what I used to think about all the time. I honestly can't remember. Though, to be fair, sometimes I wonder what I think about now. Pointless stuff like this I imagine mostly. This and the Invertible Matrix Theorem and not much else. Maybe that's what's so nice about the past, memories blur and imagination fills in the blanks without us even realizing it so everything seems so clear and understandable. Not like the dirty muddy present. I like dirty though so y'think I'd be able dig it. Most of the time I can - I guess. There's just certain things that should be different, seemed like they would be different by now but they aren't and I can't help but wonder why not. My mind has a habit of wandering off without me realizing it - I really ought to get a leash for the damned thing.
In conclusion, travelling back in time just to punch yourself in the face for being such a youthful ignorant twat probably isn't good for your self esteem so please don't do it, okay?
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