Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I've decided that I'm going to start writing something everyday. Not necessarily here or elsewhere on the Internet but something somewhere - and it's got to be somewhat substantial too. Actually, this post is sort-of a cop out in that there's not really any substance to it but I'm still counting it as the 'thing I've wrote today'. Actually, I've got plans for a story - a bit of an older experiment actually that came out all messed up and wrong from what I had in my head but not even messed up and wrong in the way that can turn out good.

At any rate, I think I can fix it - so maybe I'll be doing that or different other random stories or strange rambles. I used to write alot more than I do now - though now I may just think alot more about WHAT I'm writing rather than just spitting it all out and hoping it's coherent or entertaining or even the slightest bit useful.

Most things I've written in the past I think are complete rubbish which has less to do with me not thinking I'm any good (I only keep things that I initially think are good) and more to do with me just changing I guess or even just changing the way I think about things. Given the chance, I'd punch any past incarnation of myself because, frankly, near every past incarnation of myself was a twat. I still am a twat actually, even though I don't think it, but I'm fairly certain that six months down the line I'll think I was - even if I happen to quite like me now.

That's sortof how it works with stuff I write too. Right now it's good... six months and it's rubbish. Probably all is rubbish actually.

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