Because I can't really explain what I do to my parents

Finally. It's about time people started recognizing pirates as important and productive members of society

The "has worked with acids" Badge
Probably my favorite part about chemistry... or maybe the fires?

The "I've set fire to stuff" Badge (Level 1)
Curiosity + Fire = Funtimes?

I totally know what that means! Even though I hate statistics.

I should have gotten this one like twelve years ago. SPACE IS COOL!

I think I should get this one doubly cause I'm also the only person I know who actually says "totally digs"

Differential equations make so much more sense after a couple of drinks

The "experienced with electrical shock" Badge (Level 3)
Just because the device is unplugged doesn't mean that the capacitors have finished discharging. Life lessons here guys

Of course, it's alot funnier when someone else does it

The "I'm a scientist who is fundamentally opposed to administrative duties" Badge
Fuck paperwork

All run in terror or I will seriously linearize your systems

Who doesn't love arts and crafts?

Man, science is awesome. Everyone should talk about it.
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