Saturday, August 1, 2009

Let's go for a nice walk

Today's overly long nap was brought to you by dehydration and a desire to not use one's lower appendages.

I always underestimate distances. This is one of the reasons me and cities don't get along. Cities make you feel as though everything is right near to you and that only exacerbates my distance issues. In small towns, I fully realize that the next town over is THE NEXT FUCKING TOWN OVER! In cities however, I fail to pick up on the fact that "just down the road", easily equates to "THE NEXT FUCKING TOWN OVER".

Another problem I have is that when the weather outside is nice and sunny and hot, I absolutely hate driving. I just cannot bring myself to sit inside a stuffy (read: Holy shit it is flesh bubblingly hot in here! Seriously, most days I nearly burn myself just trying to turn the ignition.) vehicle when I could be enjoying the outdoors.

So, today I had to go get a backpack. The store was a far enough distance away that any sane person (read: not retarded) would not have even considered walking. I on the other hand, am retarded. I actually did consider the distance in my head, decided that yes it probably was too far and that, yes I probably would regret it once I got there. But I decided to walk anyways, it'd been a while since I'd had a nice decent walk and dammit, I wanted that nice decent walk so I could have some walky thoughts which are usually always fairly interesting and insightful. In hindsight, the actual walk wouldn't have been bad, I just looked up the distance and it's 4.6 km there so I walked a total of 9.2 km. That's okay, but I made two more very poor decisions.

1. It was the middle of the friggin' day AKA 38 degrees Celsius
2. I wore sandals.

The walk there was okay, my feet hadn't even started hurting and the store was nice and cool. It was the walk back that I did not enjoy. Now, the reason I mentioned wearing sandals as being a mistake is because I have ankle pronation. You know how one of the first things people learn how to do is walk? Yeah well I fucked that one up pretty hard and now put too much weight on the inside of my foot (Congenital Defect! Send this one back to the factory). I don't have it very bad (for now) so things are usually pretty okay s'long as I'm wearing shoes with decent support which is exactly the sort of support that sandals don't have.

Anyways, the walk back frickin' sucked. Almost immediately my feet started getting sore but, I'm used to that and can usually ignore it so that doesn't bother me at all. After I'd gotten about halfway back, my hip started getting sore - not consistently sore but just sore every now and then, like if I stepped wrong. This was new and completely expected. Pronated ankles eventually tend to screw up pretty much every body part from the waist down: hips, knees, shins, heels, lower back, tendons, muscles, ANKLES! I'll be surprised if my body doesn't completely fail me by the time I'm 30. Speaking of surprised, my knees didn't start hurting at all so that's a plus I guess.

One more thing: I failed to take into account that I'd have to be carrying the backpack back with me (I didn't wanna wear it because I didn't feel like having the back of my t-shirt drenched in sweat). It was only 3.5 kg but after about a half hour of carrying it this got to be really frickin' annoying.

Oh, and did I mention that it was fucking hot out.

And now: Something that makes me happy.

How professor's will say that they really liked something you did and then hand it back to you COVERED IN SEMI-LEGIBLE RED INK. I think this is hilarious and it makes me smile thinking about how ridiculous it is. In my mind I picture Prof's going through books that they like, marking up page after page and then sending it back to the author with a "I really enjoyed this, thank you but HERE ARE SOME GLARING ERRORS THAT NEED ADDRESSING. Also: if you could sign my copy before sending it back that would be cool". The worst part is how when the Prof gets the book back, they don't accept it because the signature is illegible. Anyways, the draft I'm working on right now probably has just as much red ink on it as black but, apparently it's really good so yay!

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