Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just a wee taste

This is the opening excerpt from the book that I'm working on. It will without doubt have been changed by the time I'm finished but oh well. Enjoy?

Life is but an ill-thought-out-adventure and we are all still children. In years to come you will look back and everything you have said or done will have the foolishness of youth attached to it. Even this very sentence shall, in time, be tainted by the wisdoms of age and new experiences. Maturity is just a clever tarp to hide behind; a fabricated guise to keep ourselves from realizing that nobody anywhere has any sort of idea what it is they are doing. Most surely, I will look back on this story in disgust and amazement at how I could ever be so childish, so stupid, so wrong about everything. This is why it is so important for these stories to be told because even though our idiocy is captured, beside it stands our innocence –our identity. Without these stories we would not have the ability to look back and mock ourselves. We would not have the humility to realize that even now, we are being mocked. Most importantly, without these stories, we would remain stale stagnant static – an arrested development keeping us from this foreign growth we call maturity and halting our intellectual right. So here I sit, young foolish O’Toole looking into life’s comedy and trying to make sense of its tenderness, fury, and merciless love all under the rushing sunsets that disappear between our fingers.

Tell me what you think

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